Let´s Grow Some Coral!

Land Based (Ex -Situ) Coral Nursery

The Pa´Ti Mar restoration project will be the only land-based coral nursery in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Our project will have a total of 5 tanks focusing on cultivating two species of coral that are fundamental building blocks of our reefs. We will produce 4,000 to 5,000 fragments of Mountainous star coral (Orbicella faveolata) and Elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata) annually. This land-based coral nursery allows us to grow our coral faster and control the water quality the coral is grown in, yielding a better success rate. Additionally and most importantly, we can grow coral without the threat of it being affected by Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease, which has already had a detrimental impact on this reef. SCTLD is a lethal and fast-spreading disease that has already affected 95% of Florida´s coral reefs and is currently tearing through the Caribbean at alarming rates.

Meet the Coral

We are focusing on cultivating and replanting the Elkhorn & Mountainous star coral. Both are classified as critically endangered species and are protected under The Endangered Species Act. They are both indigenous to the area and have a high success rate in replanting. These two species of corals are framework-building corals that contribute the most to reef buildup, which leads to the protection of our island’s beautiful coastlines.  


The Elkhorn coral gets its name from the structure it creates, which resembles elk horns. This species is often found in high-surf and relatively shallow areas. The height and width of the coral are determined by wave height in the area and the accessibility of light at the base.

Mountainous star coral

The Mountainous star coral gets its name because the structure it creates resembles small mountain peaks, and when it closes, the grooves of its polyps resemble a star. This species is often found in relatively shallow areas and can grow large but at slow rates.

Our Location

Our Facilities

The exact location and facilities will be disclosed soon! Stay tuned!